
(If not expressed otherwise, authors presented in alphabetical order imply equal contribution.)


Image Schemas and Concept Invention: Cognitive, Linguistic and Logical Investigations, Maria M. Hedblom, Cognitive Technologies Series, Springer International Publishing, April 2020
ISBN: 978-3-030-47329-7 / Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-47328-0
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47329-7

Image Schemas and Concept Invention: Cognitive, Linguistic and Logical Investigations, Maria M. Hedblom, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, PhD thesis, January 2019

Book chapters/chapters in collections:

Methodological reflection of the documentalysis of from the %WRONG Browser series, Maria M. Hedblom. In Hinterwaldner et al (eds): Navigation, SPP Heft, Universitätsverlag LMU, München 2022. ISBN: 978-3-487-16315-4.
DOI: 10.5282/ubm/epub.93518

Image schemas in Concept Invention, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz and Fabian Neuhaus, in (eds.) Confalonieri et al., Concept Invention: Foundations, Implementation, Social Aspects and Applications, Series: Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems (2018)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65602-1_4

Journal papers:

The Diagrammatic Image Schema Language (DISL), Maria M. Hedblom, Fabian Neuhaus and Till Mossakowski, Spatial Cognition & Computation. (To appear)
DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2024.2377284

Every dog has its day: An in-depth analysis of the creative ability of visual generative AI., Maria M. Hedblom,  In Hastings, J (editor). Symposium on Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith’s Why Machines Will Never Rule the World: Artificial Intelligence without Fear, Cosmos + Taxis 12(5 + 6):88-103 (May 2024), ISSN 2291-5079

Curiously exploring affordance spaces of a pouring task, Mihai Pomarlan, Maria M. Hedblom and Robert Porzel, Expert system 40(6):1-11 (July 2023)
DOI: 10.1111/exsy.13213

Deep Understanding of Everyday Activity Commands for Household Robots, Sebastian Höffner, Robert Porzel, Maria M. Hedblom, Mihai Pomarlan, Vanja Sophie Cangalovic, Johannes Pfau, John Bateman and Rainer Malaka, Semantic Web 13(5): 895-909 (2022)
DOI: 10.3233/SW-222973

Image schema combinations and complex events, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Giancarlo Guizzardi, KI – Künstliche Intelligenz 33:279–291, (July 2019)
DOI: 10.1007/s13218-019-00605-1

A narrative in three acts: Using combinations of image schemas to model events, Tarek R. Besold, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 19:10-20, (January 2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.bica.2016.11.001

Image schemas in computational conceptual blending, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, and Fabian Neuhaus, Cognitive Systems Research, 39: 42–57, (2016)
DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsys.2015.12.010

Choosing the Right Path: Image Schema Theory as a Foundation for Concept Invention, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, Fabian Neuhaus, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 6(1):21-54, (December 2015)
DOI: 10.1515/jagi-2015-0003

Conference and workshop papers:

Revising Defeasible Theories via Instructions, Mihai Pomarlan, Maria M. Hedblom, Laura Spillner and Robert Porzel, In: Kirrane, S., Šimkus, M., Soylu, A., Roman, D. (eds) Rules and Reasoning. RuleML+RR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15183. Springer, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-72407-7_13

Hanging Around: Cognitive Inspired Reasoning for Reactive Robotics, Mihai Pomarlan, Stefano De Giorgis, Rachel Ringe, Nikolaos Tsiogkas and Maria M. Hedblom, In Proc. of FOIS, 2024, Twente, The Netherlands,(July, 2024) (To appear) (acceptance rate: 34%)

Discussing the Creativity of AutomaTone: an Interactive Music Generator based on Conway’s Game of Life, Garrit Schaap and Maria M. Hedblom, The 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Jönköping, Sweden (June, 2024) (To appear) (acceptance rate: 33%)

Using the Diagrammatic Image Schema Language for Joint Human-Machine Cognition, Mossakowski, T, Hedblom, M., Neuhaus, F., Arevalo Arboleda, S., and Raake, A.. In K.-U. Sattler (Ed.), Engineering for a Changing World: Proceedings; 60th ISC, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 04-08, 2023 (5.1.133).
DOI: 10.22032/dbt.58917

When Push Comes to Shove: A formal analysis on the decomposed conceptual primitives in pushing scenarios, Hedblom, M.M. The Seventh Image Schema Day, ISD7@KR, (September 2-4, 2023),

Thinking in front of the box: Towards intelligent robotic action selection for navigation in complex environments using image-schematic reasoning. Pomarlan, M., De Giorgis, S., Hedblom, M.M., Diab, M. and Tsiogkas, N. In Proc. of 8th JOWO, 2022, Jönköping, Sweden (August 2022)

A Balancing Act: Ordering Algorithm and Image-Schematic Action Descriptors for Stacking Object for Household Robots, Dhanabalachandran, K., Hedblom, M. M., and Beetz, M., In Proc. of 8th JOWO, 2022, Jönköping, Sweden (August 2022)

Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination, Righetti, G., Porello, D., Troquard, N., Kutz, O., Hedblom M. M. and Galliani, P., In Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Sister Conferences Best Papers. Pages 5329-5333, Vienna Austria (July 2022)
DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2022/745

Visualising Image Schemas: A Preliminary Look on the Diagrammatic Image Schema Language (DISL), Hedblom, M. M., and Neuhaus, F., In Proc. of ISD6, Jönköping, Sweden, (April 2022)

Getting On Top of Things: An Extended Abstract on Robotic Object Stacking using Image-Schematic Reasoning, Dhanabalachandran, K., Hedblom, M. M., and Beetz, M., In Proc. of ISD6, Jönköping, Sweden, (April 2022)

Panta Rhei: Curiosity-Driven Exploration to Learn the Image-Schematic Affordances of Pouring Liquids, Mihai Pomarlan, Maria M. Hedblom and Robert Porzel, In Proc. of the 29th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 2021, Virtual (Dublin, Ireland) CEUR-WS Vol 3105 (December 2021)

Cutting Events: Towards Autonomous Plan Adaption by Robotic Agents through Image-Schematic Event Segmentation, Kaviya Dhanabalachandran, Vanessa Hassouna, Maria M. Hedblom, Michaela Kuempel, Nils Leusmann and Michael Beetz, In Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Virtual, (December, 2021)

Deciphering The Cookie Monster: A case study in impossible combinations, Maria M. Hedblom, Guendalina Righetti and Oliver Kutz, In Proc. of ICCC, 2021, Mexico City, Mexico (Virtual) p.222-225 (September 2021)

Dynamic Action Selection Using Image Schema-based Reasoning for Robots, Maria M. Hedblom, Mihai Pomarlan, Robert Porzel, Rainer Malaka and Michael Beetz, In Proc. of JOWO, 2021, Bolzano, Italy (September 2021)

Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination, Guendalina Righetti, Daniele Porello, Nicolas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Maria M. Hedblom and Pietro Galliani, In Proc. of FOIS, 2021, Bolzano, Italy, p. 81-96 (September 2021) (Winner of the Best Paper Award)
DOI: 10.3233/FAIA210373

Conceptual Puzzle Pieces, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz. In: Bella G., Bouquet P. (eds) Modeling and Using Context. CONTEXT 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11939. Springer, Cham
p. 98-111 (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34974-5_9

gninaem neddiH: Using image schema violations to expose hidden semantical structures in metaphors, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz. In Proc. of JOWO, Graz, Austria (September 2019)

Ontology-Based Model Abstraction, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Guylerme Figueiredo, Maria M. Hedblom and Geert Poels. In Proc. IEEE Thirteen International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (April 2019)
DOI: 10.1109/RCIS.2019.8876971

An Empirical Study Concerning Ontology-Driven Modularization
and Ontology-Neutral Modularization Techniques
, Michaël Verdonck, Maria M. Hedblom, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Guylerme Figueiredo, Frederik Gailly and Geert Poels. In Proc. of VMBO (2019)

What’s Cracking? How image schema combinations can model conceptualisations of events Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Giancarlo Guizzardi. In Proc. of TriCoLore, Bolzano, Italy, (December 2018)

The Mouse and the Ball: Towards a cognitively-based and ontologically-grounded logic of agency, Oliver Kutz, Nicolas Troquard, Maria Hedblom and Daniele Porello. In Proc. of FOIS p.141-148 (2018)

Under the Super-Suit: What Superheroes Can Reveal About Inherited properties in Conceptual Blending, Maria M. Hedblom, Rafael Peñaloza, Oliver Kutz and Giancarlo Guizzardi. In Proc. of ICCC (2018), p. 216-223

Breaking into Pieces: An Ontological Approach to Conceptual Model Complexity Management, Guylerme Figueiredo, Amelie Duchardt, Maria M. Hedblom and Giancarlo Guizzardi. In Proc. of RCIS (2018)
Doi: 10.1109/RCIS.2018.8406642

In, Out and Through: Formalising some dynamic aspects of the image schema Containment, Maria M. Hedblom, Dagmar Gromann and Oliver Kutz. SAC ’18: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Pau, France (April, 2018), p. 918-925.
Doi: 10.1145/3167132.3167233

Body-Mind-Language: Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Based on Embodied Cognition, Dagmar Gromann and Maria M. Hedblom. In Proc. of AIC, CEUR-WS: Vol-2090, Lanarca, Cyrpus (November, 2017)

Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison, Jamie Macbeth, Dagmar Gromann, and Maria M. Hedblom. In Proc. of JOWO, CEUR-WS, Bolzano, Italy (September, 2017)

Beneath the Paint: A Visual Journey through Conceptual Metaphor Violation, Maria M. Hedblom. In Proceedings of JOWO, CEUR-WS, Bolzano, Italy, (September, 2017)

Between Contact and Support: Introducing a logic for image schemas and directed movement, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, Till Mossakowski, Fabian Neuhaus, AI*IA 2017: AI*IA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, p 256-268, Bari, Italy, (November, 2017)
Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70169-1_19

An agentive image schema logic, Oliver Kutz, Maria M. Hedblom, Daniele Porello and Nicolas Troquard, Trends in Logic XVII, Lublin, Poland (September, 2017) (accepted)

Kinesthetic Mind Reader: A Method to Identify Image Schemas in Natural Language, Dagmar Gromann and Maria M. Hedblom, Proc. of Advancements in Cognitive Systems (ACS), Troy, New York, US (2017)

Breaking Down Finance: A method for concept simplification by identifying movement structures from the image schema PATH-following, Dagmar Gromann and Maria M. Hedblom, Proc. of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), Annecy, France (2016)

Ontology Patterns with DOWL: The Case of Blending, Oliver Kutz, Fabian Neuhaus, Maria M. Hedblom, Till Mossakowski and Mihai Codescu, Proc. of DL Workshop, Cape Town (2016)

Shape up, baby! Perception, image schemas and shapes in concept formation, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz, Proc. of the Shapes 3.0 Workshop, Lanarca (2015)

Image schemas as families of theories, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, and Fabian Neuhaus, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop C3GI, Istanbul, p. 19-33 (2015)

On the cognitive and logical role of image schemas in computational conceptual blending, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, and Fabian Neuhaus, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Torino, p. 110-121 (2014)

Accepted abstracts for conferences without proceedings

The Silent Expression: The ethical issues with meaningless AI-generated images entering the art scene. Maira M. Hedblom. 2nd International Conference on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (2ICEAI) Porto, Portugal (November 28-30, 2023)

The ontology of image schemas and the artificial mind, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz, IACS-4, Aachen, Germany (July, 2020, postponed until June 2022)

Hold—Drop—Smash: Image Schema Combinations and Complex Events, Maria M. Hedblom, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Peñaloza and Giancarlo Guizzardi. AIC 2019, Manchester, UK (September, 2019)
(Abstract of the journal paper “Image Schema Combinations and Complex Events”)

Image schemas as conceptual building blocks for everyday objects: an empirical study, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz. AISC, Bologna, Italy (December, 2017)

Multi-modal Image Schemas, Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz. ICMC Conference, Osnabrueck, Germany (June, 2017)

Image schemas as a skeleton of concept invention and metaphor, Maria. M. Hedblom, RaAM 11 Conference, Berlin, Germany

Edited proceedings and book collections:

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Kazjon  Grace Maria M. Hedblom, Maria Teresa Llano, Pedro Martins (Editors). Jönköping, Sweden (July 2024) ISBN: 978-989-54160-6-6 (To appear)

Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference (FOIS 2023). Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Torsten Hahmann, Anthony Galton, Maria M. Hedblom (Editors). In Ebook series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press. ISBN: 978-1-64368-469-7 (2023)

Proceedings of the Seventh Image Schema Day (ISD7). Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz (Editors)
Co-located with The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2023). Rhodes, Greece (September 2023)

Proceedings of the 8th Joint Ontology Workshops. Tiago Price Sales, Maria M. Hedblom and He Tan (Editors). Jönköping, Sweden (August 2022)

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity. Maria M. Hedblom, Anna Aurora Kantosalo, Roberto Confalonieri, Oliver Kutz and Tony Veale (Editors). Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (June-July 2022)

Proceedings of the Sixth Image Schema Day (ISD6). Maria M. Hedblom and Oliver Kutz (Editors). Jönköping, Sweden (April 2022)

Proceedings of TriCoLore 2018: Creativity – Cognition – Computation. Oliver Kutz and Maria M. Hedblom (Editors) Bozen-Bolzano Italy. (December 2018)


My MSc. and BSc. thesis

A Cognition-Based Definition of Creativity and A Proposition for Approaching Creativity Artificially(2013)

The Role of Working Memory in Creative Insight: Correlation analysis of working memory capacity, creative insight and divergent thinking (2013)