Research projects

Active projects

AI4QAM: (End-to-End) AI for Quality Assurance in Manufacturing
Vinnova: Advanced and Innovative Digitalization 2024
Funding: 16 943 502 SEK (~1.450.000 Euro)
May 2024-April 2027

Local Principle Investigation (PI)
Horizon Europe Project

Past Involvement in Projects

AI readiness
An industry-focused project run as a collaboration between Jönköping University and Science Park
Funded by the European Union, Jönköping Municipality

MUHAI: Meaning and Understanding in Human-centric AI
Horizon 2020 project
Oct 2020 – Sep 2024
Coordinated from Bremen University


EASE: Everyday Activity Science and Engineering
DFG Collaborative Research Centre
2017 –
Coordinated by Prof. Michael Beetz, Bremen University


HWK Study group: Modelling Conceptual Knowledge and Conceptual Change
Jan 2018-Dec 2020
Lead by Tamer Amin, Benedek Lang and Clayton Lewis


OCEAN: Ontological and Cognitive Event SemANtics in Structural Conceptual Models
Jun 2017 – May 2020

Lead by Giancarlo Guizzardi


STELLA: Spatio-Temporal Logics for Cognitive Artificial Intelligence
Jan 2018 – May 2020
Lead by Oliver Kutz


SCORE: From Image Schemas to Cognitive Robotics: A formal framework and computational models for embodied simulations


COCO: Computational Technologies for Concept Invention
Nov 2016 – Aug 2018


LOGIS: The Logic of Image Schemas
Nov 2015 – Dec 2017


CIAO: Concept Invention and Applied Ontology
Jul 2015 – Jun 2017


COINVENT: Concept Invention
Oct 2013 – Nov 2016
